Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The downside of Apple Computers!

Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8. http://www.apple.com/startpage/

I am really... really bothered that Apple would get involved in something that has nothing to do with computers. I don't know if I want to buy from them in the future if my money is going to go to something that I am against... I know I know... I can't boycott everything but this just bothers me... If you are an apple lover of sorts... ipods... macs... itunes... whatever send them an email to tell them how bothered YOU are!


1 comment:

ANDREA said...

yeah i really dont see you NOT buying an apple. you'd really buy a dell or something instead. yeah right.