Thursday, March 13, 2008


I am looking for a little "greenpeace and quiet" I'm sure I'm not the only one on this planet that is sick and tired of people trying to get us all to "go green". Here are a few of my frustrations. This week I picked up the recent copy of Readers Digest, apparently for the past few months they have been pushing and pushing the "green" lifestyle. The most recent one pushed me over the edge. This article was giving tips on how to be an environmentalist... one of the tips was to push for tax increases on fossil fuels so that people will be discouraged from using fossil fuels (Gas). Well if thats the case I wonder if Al Gore will stop flying his private jet all over the world promoting cutting carbon emissions. If you want to be so called "green" great... do it and shut up about it. That's your choice... I don't want to go "green" and thats MY choice so don't force it on me. I feel like every time I turn the tv on or listen to the radio its all about doing whats right for the environment to stop global warming. First of all I don't even believe in this global warming nonsense. I believe that the earth warms and cools over time and its been that way since it was created. I do not believe that human activity is the cause for any warming trends we may be seeing. Even if we were the cause as humans, who is to say that we could reverse any effects. Who can tell me honestly that if everyone changed their light bulbs to those expensive "friendly" ones or if we didn't use plastic grocery bags we could put a stop to global warming. I think global warming is the convenient "look how great I am" trend. Celebrities are promoting this to no end as well... hmmm... maybe because someone famous is doing it I should too. Give me a break. The last people to be trusted are celebrities. I just wanted to state my thoughts on this media outbreak we call "going green". I also think its funny that we don't hear very much about global warming in the winter when we have to dig out of the snow... It seems to be the topic of the daily news in the summer when its supposed to be hot outside. I think one way we could avoid this hype is to just turn the news off... walk away and worry about our own lives rather than whether or not the sky is falling... oh I mean earth is warming.

Here are some environ-mental-ists for you...

This guy apparently believes that foregoing pants will save the planet.

I can image him making a creepy old man laugh in this picture... "ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

War and the environment... yep very related topics.

Pat is that you? I have been looking for him... I mean her... errrrr.

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